Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Reflection 6: The Royal Treatment—If America Had a Royal Family

For many Americans, it is a point of pride that the United States has never had a monarchy. In fact, the mere idea of a royal family is generally considered un-American. Still, anti-monarchy sentiments are somewhat disingenuous because A) we are obsessed with the royal families of other countries, particularly Britain's and B) we celebrate so many dynastic American families as if they were true nobility (e.g. the Kennedys, Rockefellers). Additionally, we've elevated celebrities to the level of pseudo-royalty. Witness any major entertainment awards ceremony, and you'll see a parade of kings, queens, princes, and princesses. If we indeed have stand-in royalty in America, who are they? Who are those families and individuals that we regard as the British might their own royal family? And if the notion of royalty is so repugnant to American ideals, why are we so fascinated with them?

Include at least three of the following in your discussion:
  • MLA Style
  • One full page in length
  • Works cited page

Due:  Wed 10.28

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